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Four Weeks Old!

Need a coop?

Chickens in the Backyard

We build chicken coops tailored for our clients needs. Check out some of our designs here.

Tips for the Transition to the Coop!

Keep them warm

  • If it’s colder than 50 degrees at night, provide artificial warmth or bring them inside or in the garage till morning.


Keep them dry

  • Make sure there’s no running or standing water in the coop when it rains.

  • To prevent them from getting wet from dew when it is still chilly, keep the coop in a morning sunny spot or keep them in the enclosure until it is evaporated.

Keep them safe

  • They may be able to wiggle out of mesh with openings bigger than 1x2 inches. If your mesh is bigger, overlay it with hardware cloth until they are about 3 months old.

  • Also, while unlikely, it is possible that a predator that is out during the day could reach in through the mesh and injure or kill a chicken at this age.

  • Being small, they are more vulnerable to certain predators that would normally only be after the chicken feed or eggs, for example baby possums or rats. Keep the feeder in the run or remove at night.

  • Place some kind of barrier between the ground and the bottom of the enclosure to keep burrowing predators away (wire, plywood, etc)

  • Until the chickens are three months old, close the pop door at night. The pop door is the door that leads between the enclosure and the other part of the coop, the run. This will prevent smaller animals from getting in at night and causing trouble for your juvenille chickens. If your run is not totally enclosed, close the pop door every night no matter how old they are.

  • At this age, chickens will tend to huddle together on the ground as they did in the brooder. When closing the coop, make sure that they’re up on one of the perches. Move them there if they're not.


They may be a little more nervous and reserved during the transition as they get used to the noises and bigness of the great outdoors!

Laying: When the chicks are around 5 months old, switch their feed over to a layer feed that has more calcium to help egg development. They will lay around 6 months old, though Sapphire Gems tend to lay a little earlier and Easter Eggers have been known to take a bit longer


Signs they are getting closer to laying:

  • Combs will turn a brighter red

  • They may "practice squat" randomly

  • You may notice them hanging out in the nest boxes more

Fresh Eggs from Chickens

Feeder/Waterer Recommendations

Imperial, MO 63052


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